The 25 Most "Underrated" Law Schools

We looked at every ABA Accredited law school to assess their latest US News & World Report ranking (2015) against their Law School Transparency employment score here.

For the below, we have now sorted through a variety of categories to derive a ranking, which for kicks and giggles we will call an "underrated law schools” ranking. This list does not include unranked schools because we had to give these a USNWR ranking in our previous data pool. Most importantly, please know we think there are many variables that should go into any individual assessment for which law school is a best. No ranking can get these right, particularly as no ranking can tell an individual how much they should weigh the things that matter the most to them. As a firm, Spivey Consulting believes that prospective students should look at as many metrics as are valuable to them and should consider these pieces of data along with law schools visits, if possible, to shape their ideas of where they would most like to attend law school.

What we have done here is simply combine data and information publicly available at two different sites to present in a new way — which a catchy title.

The 25 most “underrated” law schools

  1. University of Virginia / 8 / 95.6%
  2. University of Montana / 121 / 69.1%
  3. Columbia / 4 / 95%
  4. NYU / 6 / 93.7%
  5. South Texas College of Law / 146 / 61.2%
  6. University of Wyoming / 129 / 64.5%
  7. University of South Dakota / 145 / 60.6%
  8. University of Chicago / 4 / 92.1%
  9. University of Memphis / 140 / 60.5%
  10. University of Pennsylvania / 7 / 90.7%
  11. Cornell /13/88.6%
  12. Vanderbilt / 16 / 85.9%
  13. University of New Mexico / 72 / 72.8%
  14. University of North Dakota / 129 / 59.5%
  15. University of South Carolina / 93 / 67.7%
  16. Mercer University / 104 / 65%
  17. Samford University / 135 / 57.8%
  18. UC Berkeley / 9 / 86.7%
  19. University of New Hampshire / 93 / 67.3%
  20. Stanford / 3 / 87.6%
  21. Duke / 10 / 85.9%
  22. Emory / 19 / 83.6%
  23. William Mitchell / 135 / 56.9%
  24. Harvard / 2 / 86.9%
  25. Albany / 118 / 60.2%