
13 Feb 2013

Why a Handshake Matters (more than you may think)

Study after study suggests that first impressions matter; indeed, in terms of creating a lasting impression, they matter more than anything else. You are going to be remembered from the first few minutes of your initial encounter—the question is, how do you want to be remembered?

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17 Jan 2013

Focus: Why It Matters So Much (& How You Get It)

This trait rings true for almost all highly successful people—they have the ability to stay on focus. But what is focus, and how can it help for a law school applicant or job seeker?

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31 Oct 2012

Legal Interview Advice from a Fortune 50 Hiring Authority

Our first guest blog comes from a hiring authority at a Fortune 50 company. This is great advice, and most of it applies just as well to law school admissions interviews as it does to legal hiring interviews. Enjoy and dig in! Interviewing is a strange skill requirement. You’ll use it very few times in your life, but, when you do, it’s extremely important, as it definitely determines whether you’ll make it past the interviewing person with a "yes." Fortunately, it has residual value. Probably,

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17 Sep 2012

What you can learn from the 2012 Presidential Election

I live in a swing state, which means that I am constantly getting emails from both the Obama and Romney campaigns. Political platforms aside, what these emails tend to have in common is this important nugget for job search emails.

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14 Aug 2012

Your Legal Future in 5 Minutes

A dean of a law school told me once that he could tell who would win a moot court competition within 5 minutes of the arrival of the competitors—before the competition even started.

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