Capacity Update/Predicting the Cycle Link

I wanted to provide a brief update on our capacity, as we have experienced an unprecendented number of inquires and client intake since the June LSAT score release.

We will likey be full by early September based on our current forecasts (although when our clients get in to schools ED, their top choices, etc that does open up more room as the cycle progresses). Additionally, we have intentionally not raised our prices in over a year despite incredibly strong demand. My best guess is that we will raise them, slightly, starting in August.

Everyone gets a free call first call -- we want to make sure we can help, and we want to make sure you think you have the best fit possible.

You can check out our consultant bios here:

Our cycle prediction blog is here:

You can reach us 24/7 by email at or by phone at 703-624-7205

Here's to a great cycle!
